Why Create Art?

By |2017-07-14T14:47:51+02:0018 Sep 2015|

Why create art? Simply because we have to. From personal experience, once an idea has seeded itself, I cannot move on until I have manifested that concept in some form or another. Once an idea has taken hold it will not relinquish until expressed. My art exists because my mind is held hostage and the only way to set it free is to create.

Press Release | Danie Bester featured in the Collectors Guide to Art and Artists in South Africa

By |2017-07-14T15:46:46+02:0006 Nov 2014|

DPC's founder and chief, Danie Bester's fine art photography has been featured in the latest edition of "The Collector's guide to Art and Artists in South Africa". Read all about it...

DPC Fine-Art / Intermediate Photography Course Exhibition

By |2019-11-13T09:25:55+02:0012 Feb 2013|

What John, The Mentor & Chief Lecturer for the Fine-Art Photography Course had to say: Danie and I had been discussing the development of an Intermediate Photography Course for some time. We had discussed what it would include and how it should be presented, then out of the blue one day he said it should focus on, and be centered around, the concept of fine art photography. My initial reaction was one of panic and scepticism, I mean does anyone anywhere actually know what fine art really is? I went off and did masses of research to create the material, we had long debates, more research and reworked the material again and again. Eventually low and behold we had a definition and understanding of the concepts we were trying to communicate which I am really proud of. I believe we are now better able to communicate through our course the principles of fine art photography and creativity than most content on the subject available anywhere.

Koos van der Lende, South-African Landscape Photographer

By |2020-03-16T15:08:32+02:0025 Jan 2013|

Born and bred in South-Africa, Koos van der Lende is an extraordinary Landscape Photographer that is well known for using this genre of photography to create Fine-Art... Here is a collection of some of these Fine-Art pieces. Being a South-African Landscape Photographer for a couple of decades, Koos truly understands and cherishes the true and unmatched beauty of our African Landscape and what she has to offer; Creating photographs that portray her splendorous majesty... Koos is most definitely an iconic example of what a Landscape Photographer needs to make use of; When it comes to composition, colour and timing, not over-processing his photographs, he surely sets a high standard for others to follow in this genre. He has launched a Fine-Art Photographic Album, comprised of some of his top Landscape Photographs, click HERE to preview this album.

Josef Hoflehner – Landscape & Fine Art Photographer

By |2018-01-15T13:32:53+02:0029 Oct 2012|

Josef Hoflehner is a world-class Landscape and Fine Art Photographer that possesses the ability to turn any ordinary Landscape Photograph into a Fine Art Masterpiece... Featured here are some of the awe-inspiring photographs that Josef has created. Want to see more of his fantastic work, order prints, or books, then visit his website at https://www.josefhoflehner.com/

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