Her Morning Elegance, Oren Lavie

By |2022-08-31T12:32:58+02:0027 Nov 2010|

Eeverybody that knows me, know that I have a thing for stop motion photography and when I have the time, I try my hand, or should I say my camera at it. I was totally blown away by the following stop motion sequence, which was pointed out to me by a friend. Check it out...

Stop Motion Photography

By |2023-01-09T11:42:25+02:0028 Aug 2010|

Stop motion photography has become very popular over the past few years and we can expect to see more and more fast action Stop Motion Movies and slideshow as camera manufacturers keep on pushing silly frame rates. Both Canon and Nikon have some serious contenders in terms of speed in the form of the Nikon D3X, Canon 1D Mark IV, and even the smaller siblings like the Canon EOS 7D and Nikon D300S. With speeds thar range between 8 to 10 frames a second these cameras are equipped with high-end focusing systems to ensure sharp images, frame for frame.

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