Insects In Flight – Macro Photography Special

By |2019-11-13T09:25:52+02:0030 Jan 2013|

Digital photography courses has seen a great improvement in the submitted macro images on the Photo Critic website. The standard of work is getting better and better with more challenging subject matter being submitted every week. One thing which certainly caught my eye was the work Chris Jones has been adding within the macro group page. What is unique about Chris’s work is the amount of images depicting insects mid-flight.

10 macro and close-up images by Leon Pelser

By |2019-11-13T09:24:52+02:0024 Jul 2011|

Today, we are featuring ten close-up and macro images of one of our top Photo Critic members, Leon Pelser. Leon excels in this type of photography, but is also quite versatile in other forms of photography. You can check out his Bio on the bottom of the page. In the meantime; here's some eye candy produced by him... Click on the titles if you would like to view each shot, with description on the Photo Critic network...

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