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Master Studio Photography and learn to shoot stunning portraits in the studio

  • Learn how to apply corrective lighting for various face types and choose the best lighting setup to make your subjects look their best

  • Let us help you to decide on how to equip your studio, and which gear and accessories to choose

  • Master ALL the important aspects of studio photography, planning, lighting setups and directing your subjects

  • Learn the standard lighting setups from which all studio setups are derived, i.e. Broad, Short, Butterfly, Rembrandt, Loop and Split lighting

  • Learn to troubleshoot effectively common problems every studio photographer will encounter

  • Personally take charge of the lighting setup and direct a model under guidance of an instructor

About the Studio Lighting Course

This practical hands-on course is ideal for photographers who would like to learn how to shoot portraits in the studio. We cover all the most important aspects of the studio environment, camera settings and lighting equipment. You will get the opportunity to set up the lights, direct, and shoot a model under the guidance of a pro. After completing this course, you will have the practical knowledge and confidence to shoot in the studio on your own.

Course details

  • Small groups with a maximum of 12 people who each gets to work with all the equipment and direct a studio shoot.
  • Day 1: Hands-on presentation focusing on the studio environment, camera settings, studio equipment, quality and direction of light.
  • Day 2: You get to participate and direct a practical shoot, covering all the most important portrait lighting setups. We emphasise typical problems you may encounter in the studio, which will enable you to solve them effectively when you are shooting on your own in the studio.

Presented by

The course is presented by Danie Bester

Danie is the founder of DPC and is a well-respected photography educator and accomplished fine art photographer. He has been hailed by Photo World Magazine, as a Knight of Photography as Art and has been awarded the Admired in Africa’s Grand Master Award for his contributions to the Photography Industry in Africa.

I attended the Studio Photography Course and can attest to being given the opportunity to expand my personal portfolio with quality studio images as well as gaining insight into the intricacies of studio lighting! As with the other DPC presentations, the studio photography course will not disappoint you!

Leon Horne

Key aspects

The most important aspects covered in the Studio Lighting Course:

  • Planning a studio shoot.
  • Detailed layout and practical explanation of the studio environment and lighting equipment.
  • Camera settings, tethered shooting and using a light meter.
  • Lighting the background.
  • Quality and direction of light using various light shapers and modifiers.
  • Effectively capture images according to your vision with the least equipment.
  • Using lighting ratios to create accurate and dramatic portraits in the shortest possible time.
  • Basic lighting systems.
  • Portrait setups, i.e. Broad, Short, Split, Loop, Rembrandt and Butterfly lighting.
  • Preventative measures for problems you may encounter in the studio.
  • Hand-outs: Quick guide, an e-book of the course content, including lighting setups and diagrams.

Who is this course for?

Photographers who would like to learn all the important aspects of shooting portraits in the studio and how to set up a studio.

Course duration

2-Day weekend workshop.


  • A DSLR or Mirrorless camera with full manual control.
  • Basic to intermediate understanding of how to set up your camera i.e. able to change ISO, shutter speed, aperture, access the various focusing modes etc.


R3 100 per person. R600 discount for ex-DPC students. Lunch and refreshments included.

Upcoming Studio Lighting Courses

  • 17 – 18 May 2025