March month’s Photo Critic photography competition goes to Michael Vorster for his image “Waterdrop 2”. This image wins him a free one day workshop.

Photographer’s Comments… I used an oval glass bowl of water, to the left of the bowl I had a hotshoe flash setup. The settings on the Flash was manual at 1/16th of full power shown onto the background which in this case was a pure white cloth that came with my light tent. Then I suspended a bag filled with water above the bowl from one of my studio light stands. I poked a hole in the plastic bag so that droplets will form and drop into the water, The droplets fell at a steady pace and always in the same spot. I used a pencil to focus on the point where the droplets fell into the water and switched the camera to manual focus. I also placed a white piece of paper under the water bowl. Then I fired away. I took around 80 shots in this series and ended up with 10 decent shots of the water drop hitting the surface of the water in the bowl of which this shot is one. The key to getting these type of shot is shooting a lot of photos as you are not sure what you will get. I played around with different backgrounds and also at one stage I switched the White balance to tungsten to get the blue effect. All in All, I shot over 600 photos and ended up with around 30 that I really like.