The Photo Critic Photo of the Month competition for January will be shared between Leon Pelser with his photo “Art from ten thousand feet” and Charlaine Gerber with her photo “Black Heron Departing”
Congratulations to both of the winners! Each will receive an R600 discount for any of DPC’s photography courses and stands in contention for the 2017 Photo of the Year competition.
Leon Pelser. Art from ten thousand feet. (General Category) | ISO: 800, 1/2000sec, f/10, Sony A55, Tamron 16/300mm
Charlaine Gerber. Black Heron Departing. (Fauna Category) | ISO: 400, 1/4000sec, f/4, Canon 5D Mark IV
January Wildcard* Shots: “Night Falls” by Nadia de Lange (General Category) and “The Horse’s Mane” by Nicolene Theunissen (Fauna Category)
*Note – Photos selected as Wildcards are taken in account for the SOTY competition and does not make them SOTM winners.
Registering for a photography course at DPC entitles you to free membership on our student network, Photo Critic.